Politik, Pressespiegel, Topnews, Tourismus
23. März 2022
Statement by President Cyril Ramaphosa on progress in the national effort to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, Union Buildings, Tshwane
My Fellow South Africans, It is almost exactly two years since I stood before you to announce that South Africa would be entering a nation-wide lockdown to contain the spread of the COVID-19...
|+| zum ArtikelPressespiegel, Topnews, Tourismus, Politik
11. Januar 2022
Minister Lindiwe Sisulu welcomes decision by EU countries to remove South Africa from red lists
Tourism Minister Lindiwe Sisulu has welcomed the decision by EU countries to remove South Africa from red lists following the discovery of the Omicron COVID-19 variant. “While these moves are...
|+| zum ArtikelPolitik, Pressespiegel, Topnews, Tourismus
14. Dezember 2021
Tourism Minister Lindiwe Sisulu Welcomes the announcement from the UK Government that South Africa is removed its red list
The latest decision of the UK Government to remove all 11 African countries from the red list means that hotel quarantine is no longer required for those returning to the UK from South Africa as of 4...
|+| zum ArtikelPressespiegel, Tourismus, Südafrika
30. September 2021
Media Release: Tourism Deputy Minister Fish Mahlalela visits the Godumodumo Dinosaur Centre at the Golden Gate Highlands National Park
Tourism Deputy Minister Fish Mahlalela visited the Golden Gate Highlands National Park on Sunday 26 September 2021 as part of the National Department of Tourism's (NDT) activities to commemorate...
|+| zum ArtikelPolitik, Pressespiegel, Tourismus, Konsular,...
21. September 2021
Minister Sisulu Welcomes Germany’s Decision to Remove SA from the 'Red List' Countries
Tourism Minister Lindiwe Sisulu has thanked the German government for removing South Africa from the COVID-19 red list. This means that the country is no longer deemed as a “high risk” nation and...
|+| zum ArtikelSüdafrika Community
Dein Südafrika ist die Online-Community für alle Südafrika-Fans (und natürlich die, die es noch werden wollen)! Eigene Reiseberichte schreiben, Hotspots für die nächste Reise heraus suchen, beim Gewinnspiel mitmachen u.v.m.

|+| South African Tourism
Wildlife-Fans und Traumstrand-Sucher, kulinarische Entdecker und Kultur-Abenteurer flüchten raus aus dem deutschen Wintergrau, rein in den Farbenrausch Südafrikas.
Reisebüros mit Südafrika im Portfolio finden sich ebenfalls hier.
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