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Südafrikanische Botschaft
Tiergartenstr. 18, 10785 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-22073-0
Fax: +49-30-22073-190


South African Embassy, Berlin
Tiergartenstr. 18, 10785 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-22073-0
Fax: +49-30-22073-190



Operational Arrangements for Immigration (Visa) Services at the South African Embassy in Berlin

All visa applications must be submitted in person to the South African Embassy in Berlin and the South African Consulate General, and without prior appointment. All visa applications submitted by courier/post  not be considered and will be sent back to the applicant.  (

South African Consulate-General in Munich's telephones have been severely affected

Please note that the South African Consulate-General in Munich is currently undergoing an upgrade of its ICT systems, and as such our means of communication (particularly the telephones) have been severely affected. We kindly ask for patience and understanding in this regard.

For those requiring Civis Services, please continue to use the normal means of communication in this regard by sending an email to munich.civicapp(at) to schedule an appointment. For the Consular Department, please continue to use the munich.consular(at) email address.



Visitor Rules

All visitors to the Embassy are required to present their ID to the Embassy's receptionist upon arrival. In turn, visitors will receive an Embassy visitors card, which needs to be carried by visitors for the duration of their visit.  The Embassy visitors card need to be handed back to the receptionist on departure at which time the visitors ID will be returned, too.

Visitors are also required to adhere to the following:

  • No weapons are allowed on the Embassy premises.
  • No pets are allowed.
  • No food or beverages allowed.
  • No wandering around the Embassy premises is allowed.
  • Bicycles are not allowed on the premises.
  • The use of cell phones is not allowed.
  • Taking pictures in the Embassy is not allowed, whether by camera or phone.
  • The reception area should be quiet.

Politics, Embassy, Press Review, Topnews

H.E. Ambassador Stone Sizani Welcomes H.E. Mrs Maitha Al Mahrouqi

H.E. Stone Sizani, Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to the Federal Republic of Germany, met with H.E. Mrs Maitha Al Mahrouqi, Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to the Federal Republic of...

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Embassy, Press Review, Politics, Topnews

H.E. Ambassador Stone Sizani Welcomes H.E. Ambassador Eskindir Yirga Asfaw

H.E. Stone Sizani, Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to the Federal Republic of Germany, met H.E. Eskindir Yirga Asfaw, Ambassador of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the...

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South Africa in Germany, Topnews

Vernissage of the Project “MAKE DREAMS VISIBLE” on 29 October 2024 in Erfurt

The photo exhibition is a project by Guido Werner and Dieter Ortmann and makes children dreams visible. The total proceeds are for the benefit of Ithemba Labuntu in Philippi/Cape Town as well as the...

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Economy, Press, South Africa in Germany, Topnews

Four South African Companies at InnoTrans 2024 in Berlin

Four South Africa companies will be exhibiting at InnoTrans 2024, the world's largest trade fair for transport technology encompassing the five trade fair segments Railway Technology, Railway...

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Embassy, Politics, Topnews

Minister Plenipotentiary welcomes new Cultural Attaché of the German Embassy in Pretoria

Ms Jennifer Benecke, newly appointed Cultural Attaché at the German Embassy in Pretoria, was received by Minister Plenipotentiary Andries Oosthuizen, Counsellors Ms Laura Joyce and Mr Willie van der...

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Embassy, Press Review, Politics, Topnews

H.E. Ambassador Stone Sizani Welcomes H.E. Ambassador Elias Jaime Zimba

H.E. Stone Sizani, Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to the Federal Republic of Germany, met His Excellency Elias Jaime Zimba, Ambassador of the Republic of Mozambique to the Federal...

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Embassy, Topnews, Press Review

H.E. Ambassador Stone Sizani welcomes H.E. Ambassador Sang Beom LIM

H.E. Ambassador Stone Sizani welcomes H.E. Sang Beom LIM, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to a courtesy call at the South African Embassy in Berlin.

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The Kruger Park has the most
innovative management of a
national park anywhere in the
world and is the world's
most profitable game park.

South Africa
in Germany

|+| Vernissage of the Project “MAKE DREAMS VISIBLE” on 29 October 2024 in Erfurt

The photo exhibition is a project by Guido Werner and...

|+| Heritage Day Seminar on 25 September 2024

On the evening of 25 September 2024, the South African...

|+| Four South African Companies at InnoTrans 2024 in Berlin

Four South Africa companies will be exhibiting at InnoTrans...

|+| Wine Tasting in Cooperation with uniWines

On 19 June 2024, the Embassy of the Republic of South...


|+| Visa
Visa regulations for German citizens
|+| Permanent Residence
Read the requirements and conditions, get the necessary forms
|+| FAQ
Information on issues like marriage, attestation of documents etc.

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