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Südafrikanische Botschaft
Tiergartenstr. 18, 10785 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-22073-0
Fax: +49-30-22073-190


South African Embassy, Berlin
Tiergartenstr. 18, 10785 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-22073-0
Fax: +49-30-22073-190




Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are there additional requirements for foreign children travelling to and from the Republic of South Africa?

No. Since 08.11.2019 all foreign children are allowed to enter the Republic of South Africa without carrying additional supporting documents such as birth certificates and consent letters. Foreign children who require a visa for the Republic of South Africa do not need to carry the supporting documents for inspection at a port of entry since these would be processed together with their visa applications.

2. When is a yellow fever vaccination certificate required for entry into the Republic of South Africa?

In line with the International Health Regulations, 2005, South Africa requires a valid yellow fever certificate from all citizens and non-citizens over one year of age:

  • travelling from a yellow fever risk country; or
  • having been in transit exceeding 12 hours, through the airport of a country with risk of yellow fever transmission.

(See for further information, including a list of yellow fever risk countries)

Please note that Germany is not yellow fever risk country; therefore, a person travelling from Germany directly to South Africa is NOT required to produce proof of a vaccination against yellow fever for entry into the Republic of South Africa.

3. Can a visa be issued for an internship?

No. The Immigration Act, as amended, makes no provisions for foreigners to undertake internships at companies and organisations in the Republic of South Africa. Therefore, visas may not be issued to such foreigners, including foreign students whose studies prescribe an internship (see

4. Can a visitor’s visa for holiday purposes be extended in the Republic of South Africa?

Yes. The Immigration Act, as amended, makes provisions for an application for a once-off renewal / extension of a visitor’s visa for a further period, which shall not exceed three months – such application must be submitted in person via a VFS office in the Republic of South Africa (see no less than 60 days prior to the expiry of his or her visitor’s visa and if the visa was issued for less than 30 days, not later than 7 working days before the expiry of the visa.

5. Can a visitor’s visa for holiday purposes be changed to another visa type / purpose in the Republic of South Africa?

No. While, the Immigration Act, as amended, makes provisions for a foreigner, who is in the Republic of South Africa, to apply for a change of status or terms and conditions relating to his or her visa, a person who is on a visitor’s visa or medical treatment visa may not change his or her status whilst in the Republic of South Africa, except in exceptional circumstances.

6. What are the customs & importation regulations for the Republic of South Africa?

Updated customs and importation regulations for the Republic of South Africa are available from the Customs Officer at the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa in Brussels (see

7. What are the requirements for getting married in the Republic of South Africa?

General information about getting married in the Republic of South Africa is available at

8. Can a cash / repatriation deposit be refunded to an applicant, who departed from the Republic of South Africa before 28 February 2015?

No. Failure to claim a refund by 28 February 2015 by applicants who have already departed from the Republic of South Africa before this date will result in the cash / repatriation deposit forfeited to the State as unclaimed (see

9. Can application fees which were accidentally paid be refunded?

Yes. Application fees which were incorrectly transferred to the bank account of the Embassy in Berlin or Consulate-General in Munich shall be refunded (see

10. Can an appeal against a declaration of undesirability be submitted at a South Africa mission abroad?

No. A South Africa mission abroad e.g. the Embassy in Berlin or Consulate-General in Munich, does not have the authority to repeal or adjudicate an appeal against a declaration of undesirability administered to a foreigner on departing the Republic of South Africa. Such an appeal must be lodged directly to the Department of Home Affairs (see

Here is a List of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the re-opening of the borders and ports of entry for international travellers.

Frequently Asked Economy-Related Questions

Sorry. This document is only available in German.

Privat das Auto nach Südafrika nehmen?
Nur Rechtslenker erlaubt!
Linkslenker nur mit Zollkennzeichen maximal 12 Monate
Für das Führen eines (Miet)wagens wird neben dem nationalen Führerschein auch ein internationaler Führerschein benötigt. 

Import Permit benötigt:
Antrag stellen beim International Trade Administration Commission ITAC.
Info siehe
Branchen-, Marktinfo aus Südafrika gesucht
exportmail(at) ;
Deutsche Firmen in Südafrika
Informationen von / über Niederlassungen in Südafrika verfügbar

Deutsche Handelskammer
Zuständig für Südafrika und weitere Länder
Sie wollen ein Konto in Südafrika eröffnen; 
Nur durch persönliche Anwesenheit in Südafrika möglich.
Sie wollen nach Südafrika exportieren
Gebrauchtkleidungsspenden nach Südafrika
Import Permit benötigt: Antrag stellen bei der International Trade Administration Commission ITAC.
Info siehe
Versand an Privatleute in Südafrika? 
Nur bis R400 zollfrei für Empfänger!
Gibt es staatliche Fördermittel/ Investitionsanreize?
Ja, Info von
Lebensmitteleinfuhr, -pakete
Sind Lebensmittelimporte bei Reisen nach Südafrika erlaubt
Nein; keine Nichtkonserven/Frischwaren
Ministerien / Regierung
Informationen von / über südafrikanische Ministerien
MwSt/VAT-Rückerstattung in Südafrika
Wohin wenden, wenn man MwSt nicht mehr in Südafrika zurückerstattet bekommt
Tel:+27-11-4847530: Fax:+27-11-4842952
Diverse Fragestellungen für Privatreisen
Öffentlicher Zugang zu Statistiken über Südafrika

Sie wollen als Tourist südafrikanische Rand importieren oder exportieren?
Erlaubt sind der Import&Export von R25,000 in Banknoten, bei Travellers Checks in südafrikanische Rand keine Import Begrenzung; Export von Fremdwährung nur in dem Maße wie vorher importiert oder in Form von Travellers Checks als Gegenwert eingetauscht (Umtausch-Quittungen aufbewahren)
Sie wollen sich in SA selbständig machen?
Eigenkapitalbedarf von derzeit 2,5 Mio Rand; 
Department of Home Affairs; Anträge stellen über
Konsularabteilung Botschaft (;
Immigration agents ( Immigration practitioners ohne Rechtsanwaltsstatus) oder
in Südafrika zugelassene Rechtsanwälte 
Wie Jagdwaffen nach Südafrika transportieren:
separat vom Handgepäck 
Ausfuhrbescheinigung nötig; Airline kontaktieren
Südafrikanische Einfuhrzölle
Ihre örtliche IHK; oder
Counsellor Customs & Excise, SAEmbassy
Brussels: eurosars(at)


|+| Visa
Visa regulations for German citizens
|+| Permanent Residence
Read the requirements and conditions, get the necessary forms
|+| FAQ
Information on issues like marriage, attestation of documents etc.

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