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Südafrikanische Botschaft
Tiergartenstr. 18, 10785 Berlin
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Bilaterale Beziehungen, Politik, Topnews

24. Mai 2017

Ambassador Stone Sizani Met with Minister of Environmental Affairs, H.E. Dr Edna Molewa

H.E. Dr Edna Molewa, Minister of Environmental Affairs of the Republic of South Africa, took part in the eighth Petersberg Climate Dialogue on 22 and 23 May 2017 in Berlin, which was hosted by Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks and Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama, Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji, and attended by 30 ministers from all over the world.  The meeting entitled “Working together on solutions” focused on preparing for negotiations at the COP23 Climate Change Conference in Bonn in November and discussing the practical implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Following Minister Molewa’s participation at the Petersberg Climate talks, she paid a courtesy call on the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung as long-time friends of South Africa on 23 May 2017. At the foundation, she met with Dr Roland Schmidt, Secretary General of the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (FES), H.E. Phumelele Stone Sizani, Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa in Germany, Dr Manfred Öhm, Head of the Africa Department at FES as well as Mr Imran Simmins, First Secretary (Political Section) of the Republic of South Africa in Germany and Mr Henning Effner, Desk Officer Sub-Saharan Africa at FES.


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