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Südafrikanische Botschaft
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Politik, Un Sicherheitsrat, Topnews

08. April 2022

Statement by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, during the Media Briefing on the Russia / Ukraine Conflict

Members of the media, We thought it useful for us to engage with you on South Africa’s approach to the conflict in Ukraine to date. Yesterday, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a...

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Politik, Pressespiegel, Topnews, Un...

07. März 2022

Resolution of Conflict in Ukraine Must Be Durable and Lasting

Dear Fellow South African, In a world where far too many disputes between and within countries are settled through the barrel of a gun, the view that differences are best resolved through...

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Pressespiegel, Politik, Un Sicherheitsrat,...

02. März 2022

South Africa’s statement in explanation of vote on Ukraine the UN General Assembly Emergency Special Session, 2 March 2022

Media Statement South Africa has voted to abstain. Our position as expressed during the discussions of the Emergency Special Session over the last few days, is that South Africa remains deeply...

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Un Sicherheitsrat

27. Dezember 2021

South Africa at the United Nations

South Africa was one of the original 51 founding members of the United Nations (UN), which came into existence on 24 October 1945 (United Nations Day is celebrated annually on 24 October). The UN...

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Un Sicherheitsrat, Politik

22. September 2020

High-level Meeting to Commemorate the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the United Nations on 21 September 2020

At the UN75 Commemoration H.E. Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa, said in his statement that 75 years ago, pioneering women and men had united to save successive generations from the...

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Topnews, Un Sicherheitsrat, Politik

03. Juli 2013

South Africa’s second term as member of the Security Council (2011 – 2012) - An overview

In October 2010, South Africa was elected to serve a second term on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Our candidacy was endorsed by the African Union (AU) and we received 182 votes during...

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Un Sicherheitsrat, Politik, Pressespiegel

17. April 2012

South Africa's Response to the Developments in Syria: The South African Government welcomes the entering into effect of the ceasefire arrangement in Syria

14 April 2012. The Deputy Minister for International Relations and Cooperation Mr Ebrahim Ebrahim noted that the situation in Syria remains fragile and reiterated South Africa’s call for all sides to...

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