Pressespiegel, Topnews, Politik, Südafrika

12. September 2021

Statement by President Cyril Ramaphosa on progress in the national effort to contain the Covid-19 pandemic

My Fellow South Africans,   This evening, I would like to begin by telling you about the experience we have had as a nation in one week in the work we are doing in the health care system...

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Pressespiegel, Südafrika, Tourismus

16. August 2021

Minister Barbara Creecy: Release of High-Level Panel report reviewing policies and regulations on hunting, trade, captive keeping, management and handling of elephant, lion, leopard and rhinos

Honourable Chair of the Portfolio Committee on Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Mr Fikile Xasa, and other members of the Portfoilo CommitteeChairperson of the High-Level Panel, Ms Pam...

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Pressespiegel, Südafrika, Tourismus

12. August 2021

12 National Parks Go Cash-Free from September 2021

The cash-free payment system will be implemented in two phases with several parks implementing this approach from the 2021/22 financial year and the remaining parks implementing the system in the...

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Tourismus, Pressespiegel, Südafrika

12. August 2021

Cape Town International Airport has been Named as Africa's Best

This aviation hub that’s situated in the heart of the Mother City has scooped the top gong for the sixth consecutive year at the 2021 Skytrax World Airport Awards, with Durban’s King Shaka coming...

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Tourismus, Pressespiegel, Südafrika

06. August 2021

Department of Tourism - The Road to Recovery Report, Volume 3, July 2021

The Road to Recovery Report, Volume 3 July 2021 unpacks  • The levels of international tourism and arrivals into South Africa and the trends behind these • The status of the pandemic and...

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Topnews, Südafrika, Tourismus, Politik

14. Juli 2021

Statement by His Excellency Ambassador Stone Sizani on the Current Situation in South Africa

In response to concerns raised by our friends in Germany, I wish to make the following statement: The government of South Africa is working with the private sector to ensure a sufficient supply chain...

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Topnews, Wirtschaft, Politik, Tourismus,...

17. August 2020

Statement by President Cyril Ramaphosa on Progress in the National Effort to Contain the COVID-19 Pandemic

On 15. August 2020, President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the nation on Government's response to the COVID-19 |+| zum Artikel

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