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Topnews, Presse

22. Januar 2016

Distinguished South Africans to be Honoured through Ubuntu Awards for Promotion of the Country Abroad

The event is aimed at recognising South African industry leaders and eminent persons for their distinguished service and contribution to promoting South Africa’s national interests and values across the world.
The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, will host the annual Ubuntu Awards at the Cape Town International Convention Centre on Saturday, 13 February 2016. The inaugural Ubuntu Awards ceremony was held in February 2015.

Each award will be given to an organisation/individual, who has/have, through excellence, innovation, creativity, inventiveness, social responsibility or patriotism distinguished themselves as true ambassadors of South Africa.

Previous award winners include the former South African Chief of State Protocol, Ambassador Billy Modise and the late South African liberation struggle stalwart and diplomat, Ruth Mompati (OR Tambo Lifetime Achievement Award); the South African ace swimmer who is an Olympic, World and Commonwealth Games champion, Chad Le Clos (Ubuntu Sport Diplomacy Award); and the internationally recognised and highly respected South African singer, songwriter, entrepreneur, humanitarian and teacher, Yvonne Chaka Chaka (Ubuntu Arts and Cultural Diplomacy Award).

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biologischer Vielfalt auf der Welt.

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