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Südafrikanische Botschaft
Tiergartenstr. 18, 10785 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-22073-0
Fax: +49-30-22073-190


South African Embassy, Berlin
Tiergartenstr. 18, 10785 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-22073-0
Fax: +49-30-22073-190



Topnews, FIFA World Cup 2010, Embassy

20. July 2009

PRESS RELEASE: Desmond Tutu is looking forward to the FIFA Soccer World Cup 2010 and emphasises its significance for the entire country

Berlin, 17 July 2009. One day ahead of Nelson Mandela’s 91st birthday, representatives of numerous organisations met at the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa in Berlin in order to get...

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FIFA World Cup 2010, Press Review

09. July 2009

Statement on Construction Workers Strike from Dr. Danny Jordaan, CEO of LOC

“The construction workers have been the lifeblood of the 2010 FIFA World Cup project. Their hard work has ensured that we are on track to meet our deadlines and that our stadiums will be among the...

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FIFA World Cup 2010, Press Review

03. July 2009

Confed Cup facts and figures

Attended by well over half a million football fans, a total of 44 goals scored, the most goals scored by a team 14 – by tournament winners Brazil, of course – and the youngest goal scorer only 19...

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FIFA World Cup 2010, Topnews

03. July 2009

Confed Cup fan unity offers image of future SA

South Africans rallied behind football in a rare show of unity at the Confederations Cup, a year ahead of the 2010 World Cup, in a country trying to shake off decades of race segregation. The 14-day...

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Topnews, FIFA World Cup 2010

29. June 2009

SA ready for 2010 after Confed Cup success: media

SA Good News. South Africa is on track for the continent's first football World Cup after a successful Confederations Cup showed the 2010 host's readiness, the country's newspapers said Monday....

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FIFA World Cup 2010, Topnews

25. June 2009

SA ready for World Cup: FIFA

The world has now seen South Africa is ready to stage the 2010 World Cup finals which kick-off on June 11 next year, world soccer body Fifa said on Monday.

On a scale of one to 10 South...

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FIFA World Cup 2010

25. June 2009

'Spectacular' stadium will light up World Cup

Built to look like a vast cooking pot simmering above a ring of fire, South Africa's Soccer City Stadium promises to be an unforgettable venue for next year's World Cup and one of the world's most...

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