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Südafrikanische Botschaft
Tiergartenstr. 18, 10785 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-22073-0
Fax: +49-30-22073-190


South African Embassy, Berlin
Tiergartenstr. 18, 10785 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-22073-0
Fax: +49-30-22073-190



Topnews, Tourism, Consular, Press

16. April 2020

SA Minister of Int Relations Dr Pandor on Corona-Virus And Repatriation Of SA Citizens

Minister Naledi Pandor spoke to Ubuntu Radio earlier today, 16 April 2020 to address the matter of the repatriation of South African citizens stranded abroad because of the COVID-19 pandemic travel restrictions implemented by governments across the world.

Listen to the full interview

South Africa's investment in
education has tripled since the
end of apartheid. At 6.6% of the
country's GDP and 17.7% of total
government spending, the
country's education spending
rate is among the highest
in the world.

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