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Südafrikanische Botschaft
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South African Embassy, Berlin
Tiergartenstr. 18, 10785 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-22073-0
Fax: +49-30-22073-190



Topnews, Embassy, Press

01. May 2018

Berlin Mission Hosts Successful Freedom Day 2018

The Embassy of the Republic of South Africa in Berlin, Germany, hosted its National Day event on 27 April 2018, to commemorate and celebrate South Africa’s 24th Freedom Day. On 27 April 1994, South Africans of all races, genders and creed went to the polls to participate in the country’s first democratic and free elections, to elect the first democratically elected black president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela.

This year’s Freedom Day celebrations were dedicated to the celebration of the one hundredth birthday of former president, Nelson Mandela, his life, legacy and the values he embodied. Tata Madiba, as he was affectionately called would have turned 100 years old on 18 July 2018.

The Ambassador of the Republic of South Arica, H.E. Ambassador PS Sizani was honoured to host the State Secretary of the Federal Foreign Office, Mr Walter Lindner as the guest of honour representing the German Government.

Ambassador Sizani reflected on the excellent state of bilateral cooperation, South Africa and Germany share across varied fields, noting that 2018 would also mark a milestone in relations - the tenth session of the South Africa-Germany Bi-National Commission. State Secretary Mr Lindner, conveyed the congratulations and well wishes on behalf of the German Government and people to the South African Government and people on the celebrations of South Africa’s 24th Freedom Day. Mr Lindner fondly recalled his term of duty in South Africa, as the former German Ambassador to South Africa.

The Embassy’s National Day event showcased South African cuisine and entertainment. Special performances were rendered by the choir of the Nelson Mandela School in Berlin and South African street musicians Qadasi and Maqhinga.

An exhibition tent was displayed on the day to provide an opportunity for the Embassy’s partners and German companies which have a business presence in South Africa to showcase South African products manufactured in South Africa. Afrika Verein, BMW, CapeSpan, Mellon Educate, Mercedes Benz, South African Airways, Standard Bank and Volkswagen were amongst the exhibitors.

We would like to thank our sponsors: Siemens Proprietary Limited, Standard Bank, Mack & Schühle AG, Bacchus - Internationale Weine GmbH, Zenobi GmbH, South African Fresh Produce Exporters` Forum FPEF and CAPESPAN GERMANY GMBH. Thank you also to the following persons for their support and contributions to a successful event: Nelson Mandela School Choir, Qadasi and Maqhinga, Rainbow Agency, Ms Dagmar Schmidt and Professor Dr Charles Yankah.

Picture Credit: Jörg Peter, Zenobi GmbH

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