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South African Embassy, Berlin
Tiergartenstr. 18, 10785 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-22073-0
Fax: +49-30-22073-190



Topnews, Economy, Politics, Press

09. February 2017

State of the Nation Address (SoNA) 2017, 9 February 2017, 19h00

President Jacob Zuma will present the State of the Nation Address (SoNA) to a joint sitting of the two Houses of Parliament (National Assembly and National Council of Provinces) on 9 February 2017 at 19h00. This will be President Zuma’s fourth State of the Nation Address (SoNA) since he was re-elected in May 2014. The theme for SoNA 2017 is: “The Year of Oliver Reginald Tambo: Unity in Action Together Moving South Africa Forward.”

The President will provide an update on the implementation of the Programme of Action based on the National Development Plan (NDP). The 2017 SoNA will also be delivered within the context of the current strides made by government to respond to the various challenges that our country is facing. It will be followed by a debate in the National Assembly and the President’s reply to the debate.

The 2017 SoNA will be broadcast live on a number of television and radio stations and streamed live on the Parliament’s website and at public viewing centres.

Full speech

The world's first heart transplant
was done in South Africa in 1967
by South African Dr Chris Barnard.

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