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Tiergartenstr. 18, 10785 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-22073-0
Fax: +49-30-22073-190



Press Review, Politics

13. November 2012

South Africa elected to UN body (sapa)

South Africa has been elected to the UN Economic and Social Council, the International Relations Department said yesterday.

"South Africa finishes its two-year non-renewable, non-permanent membership of the Security Council on December 31 and immediately assumes membership of the Economic and Social Council on January 1," the department said.

South Africa last served on the council in 2006. Responsible for economic and social development, it is one of the principal organs of the UN, alongside the Security Council and the General Assembly.

"It is significant that South Africa will be a member of this critical organ of the UN at the time that the target date [2015] for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals is fast approaching," the department said.

The council includes commissions on population and sustainable development, crime prevention, science and technology, and the status of women. South Africa will promote Africa's interests. 

The world's first heart transplant
was done in South Africa in 1967
by South African Dr Chris Barnard.

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