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UN Security Council, Politics, Press Review

17. April 2012

South Africa's Response to the Developments in Syria: The South African Government welcomes the entering into effect of the ceasefire arrangement in Syria

14 April 2012. The Deputy Minister for International Relations and Cooperation Mr Ebrahim Ebrahim noted that the situation in Syria remains fragile and reiterated South Africa’s call for all sides to the conflict to fully implement their commitments under the 6-point plan of the Joint Special Envoy (JSE) of the United Nations and the Arab League, Mr Kofi Annan.

The Deputy Minister reiterated South Africa’s support for the call made by the JSE regarding the urgent deployment of a UN Observer Mission to verify and monitor the ceasefire.   In doing so, the Deputy Minister, called on all sides to the conflict to guarantee the safety and freedom of movement of such a mission, once deployed.  

South Africa, as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, is participating in discussions on a resolution authorizing the deployment of the UN Advanced Monitoring team.  South Africa’s approach is that the Security Council’s should adopt a balanced resolution providing the necessary support for the Joint Special Envoy’s efforts.

The Deputy Minister reiterated South Africa’s strong support for the efforts of the Joint Special Envoy, which has the ultimate aim of committing all sides to peaceful dialogue in order to promote an all-inclusive process of negotiations, free of any form of violence or intimidation, leading to a political outcome  that responds to the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people. 

Enquiries: Clayson Monyela on 082 884 5974 

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460 Soutpansberg Road

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