Südafrika in Deutschland, Topnews,...

17. Mai 2023

Embassy Co-Hosts Conference with Africas Most Endangered Species Foundation

The South African Embassy in Berlin, Germany, hosted a conference and networking reception in cooperation with Africas Most Endangered Species Foundation (AMES) at the Embassy on 16 May 2023. 

Ambassador Stone Sizani gave an insightful keynote speech, in which he talked about his personal experience at Robben Island.  

Simon Brunke, Chairman of AMES Foundation, introduced the foundation. Its vision is to make Africa a safer place for animals, making use of the power of the community.

Further in-depth topics of the conference were the AMES Conservation technology, habitat fund and biodiversity credits as well as doing business in South Africa from a German perspective, which were presented by Jan Hildebrand, Marios Michaelides, Julian Teicke and Finn Plotz, respectively.

AMES Foundation Nature is perfect.

Video of the event 


Image credit: Jannik Gramm



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