Topnews, Botschaft, Presse
18. Dezember 2018
The Embassy of The Republic of South African will be open from Friday 1st February to Sunday, 3 February 2019 from 8h00 to 17h00 (Special registration weekend), for unregistered SA Citizens wanting to register for the upcoming elections. Registration is also possible any time during normal working hours of the Embassy, Monday to Thursday 9:00-16:00 and Fridays 9:00-13:00.
NB. “Citizens living abroad who are already registered to vote – either on the national or international segment of the voters’ roll – need not re-register” (as indicated in the |+| following communique).
December 2018
Voter registration for South African citizens living abroad will take place at all South African foreign missions from 1 to 4 February 2019. Registration will take place during office hours at South Africa’s 120 foreign missions, including high commissions, embassies and consulates worldwide. A full list of South Africa’s missions is available on the website of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) at
The finalisation of international voter registration follows the signing of a cooperation agreement with the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) on registation and voting at diplomatic missions abroad.
The agreement gives effect to the Electoral Act 73 of 1998 which provides for all eligible South African citizens to register and vote in national elections. DIRCO has assisted the Electoral Commission with the registration and voting of citizens abroad since 1999.
All South Africa citizens aged 16 and older and in possession of an official South African identity document (either a blue barcoded ID book, a smartcard ID or a temporary ID certificate) are eligible to register as voters.
Citizens who live abroad must present themselves in person at their nearest South African mission in order to register as voters. In order to apply for registration they will require their South African identity document as well as a valid South African passport.
Citizens living abroad who are already registered to vote – either on the national or international segment of the voters’ roll – need not re-register but will be required to inform the Electoral Commission of their intention to vote outside of the country.
They do so by completing an online form (Notification and Application to CEO for Special Votes Abroad) indicating the mission at which they intend voting. This form will be available on the website at from the date the 2019 national election is proclaimed for a 15-day period.
The Electoral Commission will issue a notice to this effect after proclamation. For updates on the process to apply to vote abroad please follow the Electoral Commission on social media (@IECSouthAfrica on Twitter and Facebook) or visit the website
Ensuring free, fair and credible elections
For media queries: Please contact Kate Bapela on 082 600 6386
For media interviews: Please email requests to
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Who needs to register to vote abroad?
To vote in South Africa’s elections, you must be registered as a voter. First-time voters who are not currently on South Africa’s voters’ roll must apply for registration at their nearest South African embassy, high commission or consulate-general. Voters who live abroad, but were previously registered in South Africa, are still registered to vote and are not required to re-register.
What do I need to register to vote abroad?
You must:
Where can I register abroad?
You must apply in person for registration at your nearest South African embassy, high commission or consulate-general (visit for locations and contact info) during their normal office hours. Please note that it is not possible to register or vote at honorary consuls’ offices.
When can I register abroad?
The registration event will take place from 1 to 4 February 2019 for South African citizens abroad.
How can I check if I’m already registered?
Visit the My Voter Registration Details page at on the Electoral Commission’s website and submit your ID number. Should you visit South Africa before the 2019 elections, you can also SMS your ID Number to 32810 (R1.00 per SMS sent or received) for your registration status and voting station details. (This SMS facility is only available if you are in the Republic of South Africa.)
What documentation do I need to take with me to register?
Please take BOTH your South African ID (green, bar-coded South African ID book, smart ID card, or valid Temporary Identity Certificate) AND your valid South African passport. Both documents are essential. Only original documents can be accepted – no copies.
What if my ID and passport have different surnames, for example, one still has my maiden name? Do I need to re-register?
You do not need to re-register. The Electoral Commission uses your identity number and checks it against the National Population Register (NPR). We then get your name as it’s reflected on the NPR (the Department of Home Affairs automatically changes your name when you get married), and that is the name that appears on the voters’ roll. You can apply for a new ID/passport reflecting your changed name if you want to. These new documents can be applied for at any South African mission abroad or at the Department of Home Affairs in South Africa.
I am already a registered voter, but my given address is in South Africa. Do I need to provide the Electoral Commission with my new address where I live abroad?
Yes. By law the Electoral Commission is obliged to have an up-to-date and complete address recorded for each voter. Please email the Electoral Commission at and provide us with your ID number, full names, and new address so that your information can be updated on the voters’ roll. Please note that to be eligible to vote out-of-country, voters will still need to inform the Chief Electoral Officer of the Electoral Commission via the completion of an online “Notification and application to CEO for special votes abroad” form (formerly the VEC10 form) – to be available at – of their intention to vote, and by indicating the mission at which they will be voting, once the 2019 national election is proclaimed.
When are the 2019 elections going to be held?
The date for the 2019 national and provincial elections is only expected to be announced by the President in early 2019. In terms of the Constitution the elections must be held within 90 days of the expiry of the current term of the National Assembly and provincial legislatures. Their term expires on 6 May 2019, and the 90 day period ends on 5 August 2019, so the elections must take place between these dates. The President has indicated his intention to call an election before the end of May 2019.
For general queries: