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10. Juni 2018

Bremen Business Delegation Visits South Africa

A late 2017 Embassy roadshow to the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen culminated in a 60-members, high level business delegation from Bremen traveling to South Africa on the 1 to 6 June 2018. The Bremen delegation was led by the Prime Minister of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, Mayor Dr. Carsten Sieling, accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs and Labour in Bremen, Mr Ekkehart Siering, President of the Chamber in Bremen, Mr Harald Emigholz, Industry Associations, Captains of Industries and Minister Counsellor (Economic), Mr Jacob Moatshe. The programme entailed Business conference, B 2 B meetings and site visits. The business delegation represented the following sectors: automotive, food processing, ports and logistics and renewable. The German Port Authorities met with Cape Town and Durban Authorities to discuss ports management and solutions.



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