Südafrika, Topnews
15. April 2009
On 15 April 1996, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, under Chairman Archbishop Desmond Tutu, began its first formal hearings in East London. The South African TRC was set up by the Government of National Unity (the democratic government since 1994) to help deal with violations during the apartheid era. The Commission heard testimonies from all members of South African society about political crimes, violence and human rights abuses that had not been disclosed.
The Commission was charged with the decision to prosecute alleged perpetrators or grant amnesty. The TRC comprised of different committees, namely the Human Rights Violations (HRV), Reparation and Rehabilitation (R&R) and the Amnesty (AC) Committees.
The TRC released its final report on Human Rights Day, 21 March, 2003. Click here for a summary and guide to the content of the report.
Source: SA History Online