
02. Februar 2022

Ambassador Sizani meets with Representatives of the Ruth Weiss Society and the German African Foundation

Following the memorable event on 30 November 2021 at the St. Mattaeus Church, during which  Ms Ruth Weiss, acclaimed author and anti-apartheid and anti-racism activist, gave a speech on the role...

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Topnews, Pressespiegel, Politik, Botschaft

27. November 2021

South Africa’s Response to Travel Restrictions Imposed by Several Countries

Media Statement of 27 November 2021 The South African Government has noted the announcements by several countries to institute temporary travel restrictions on South Africa and other countries in...

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Konsular, Botschaft

23. November 2021

Meeting der Konsularabteilungen

Herr Mzimasi Xabendlini und Herr Victor Tshete haben sich zu einer Besprechung mit ihren Amtskollegen Herrn Yaw Osei-Appiah und Herrn Michael Sackey von der Botschaft der Republik Ghana getroffen.

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Südafrika in Deutschland, Botschaft,...

05. November 2021

Besuch von Frau Professor Corli Witthuhn, Prorektorin für Forschung und Internationalisierung der UFS, am 5. November 2021

Frau Professor Corli Witthuhn, Vizerektorin für Forschung und Internationalisierung an der University of the Free State (UFS), und Herr Cornelius Hagenmeier, Leiter des Büros für Internationale...

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Südafrika in Deutschland, Pressespiegel,...

05. Oktober 2021

South Africa Day 2021 in Stuttgart on 15 October 2021

Africa is a continent of opportunity with enormous investment potential for Baden-Württemberg companies. At the same time, cooperation offers great opportunities for Africa to promote local jobs...

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Botschaft, Politik, Südafrika in Deutschland,...

24. September 2021

Statement by H.E. Ambassador PS Sizani on the occasion of Heritage Day 2021 at the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa, Berlin

My fellow South Africans, Dear friends of South Africa, Heritage Day on 24 September recognises and celebrates the cultural wealth of our nation. South Africans celebrate the day by remembering the...

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Botschaft, Südafrika in Deutschland, Topnews,...

07. September 2021

Meeting with Ms Alison April, Director for Europe: Fundraising and Alumni Relations for the University of Stellenbosch

Ms Alison April, Director for Europe: Fundraising and Alumni Relations for the University of Stellenbosch visited the Embassy today to share information and ideas on cooperation between the...

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