Konsular, Topnews, Pressespiegel

05. April 2023

Das Südafrikanische Generalkonsulat in München nimmt Visaanträge ohne Termin ausschließlich dienstags an

Das Südafrikanische Generalkonsulat in München nimmt Visaanträge ohne Termin ab Dienstag, dem 11. April 2023 (sowie jeden Dienstag danach) zwischen 9:00 und 12:00 Uhr an. Die letzte...

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Konsular, Topnews, Botschaft

31. Oktober 2022

Change of Fees for Applications for South African Passports as of 1 November 2022

The Department of Home Affairs in South Africa announced the increase of passport application fees as of 1 November 2022.  The fees will be as follows: Passport (32 pages):   R1200 =...

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Konsular, Botschaft

23. November 2021

Meeting der Konsularabteilungen

Herr Mzimasi Xabendlini und Herr Victor Tshete haben sich zu einer Besprechung mit ihren Amtskollegen Herrn Yaw Osei-Appiah und Herrn Michael Sackey von der Botschaft der Republik Ghana getroffen.

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Politik, Pressespiegel, Tourismus, Konsular,...

21. September 2021

Minister Sisulu Welcomes Germany’s Decision to Remove SA from the 'Red List' Countries

Tourism Minister Lindiwe Sisulu has thanked the German government for removing South Africa from the COVID-19 red list. This means that the country is no longer deemed as a “high risk” nation and...

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Topnews, Tourismus, Politik, Wirtschaft,...

17. September 2020

Statement by President Cyril Ramaphosa on progress in the national effort to contain the COVID-19 pandemic

On 16 September 2020, President Cyril Ramaphosa updated South Africans on developments in government’s COVID-19 response and the path to economic recovery. "Just as we have acted together to...

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Topnews, Konsular, Presse, Wirtschaft, Politik

01. Juni 2020

Covid-19 Update: South Africa will be moving to Alert Level 3

Covid-19 Update: South Africa will be moving to Alert Level 3 of the lockdown on June 1, but the coronavirus will get much worse, before it gets better, President Cyril Ramaphosa said in an address...

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Topnews, Konsular, Presse

24. April 2020

Statement by President Cyril Ramaphosa on South Africa's response to the coronavirus pandemic

My Fellow South Africans,

It has been exactly seven weeks since the first case of the coronavirus was confirmed in our country.

Since then, all our lives have changed in...

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