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Pressespiegel, Topnews, Politik

28. November 2021

WHO Special Envoy on Covid-19 Dr David Nabarro says "Vilification" of South African scientists investigating new variant is "totally wrong""

World Health Organisation special envoy for COVID-19, Dr David Nabarro, has said that travel bans would not help to keep the virus variant at bay that was discovered in South Africa. He said there was absolute gratitude in the WHO to the scientists in South Africa for the speed with which they characterised this virus and for their transparency and openness in telling the rest of the world about it. The vilification of the South African scientists, who have done the work, was absolutely wrong. Imposing travel bans have an impact on the economy of countries. Southern African nations had been badly hit by COVID 19. They did not have much room to be able to provide extra support to people, whose income might have been reduced because of unemployment and other factors due to decisions by other nations. The human consequences before implementing travel bans should be considered. 

|+| WTO Video 

Bildrechte: Sky News, WHO

Die erste Herz Transplantation
wurde bereits 1967 in Südafrika
vorgenommen von
Dr. Chris Barnard.

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