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Topnews, Presse

23. April 2020

WHO Praises South Africa's Efforts to Curb Spread of COVID-19

The World Health Organisation (WHO) on Wednesday lauded South Africa’s efforts in slowing down the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic transmissions. Officials singled out government’s meticulously crafted approach to stay ahead of the virus’ spread.

“The strategy in South Africa was based on preparation, primary prevention, lockdown and enhanced surveillance. There 67 mobile lab units around the country and 28,000 community health workers trained in case detention. It’s incredible with that much testing for that return,” said the WHO’s Mike Ryan.

More than 130,000 tests have been done, with testing constantly being increased. So far, 65 people have succumbed to the virus while confirmed cases have increased to 3,635 across the country.


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