Topnews, Presse, Konsular, Tourismus

16. März 2020

COVID 19 Update for South African Citizens in Germany

The management of the South African Mission in Berlin herewith wishes to inform all South African living or staying in Germany about the latest developments regarding the Corona crisis and the announced travel ban for all travellers from Germany.

Dear fellow South Africans,
following the President's address on the Corona Epidemic yesterday, the South African Mission wishes to inform all South African citizens currently living or staying in Germany that South Africa is imposing a Travel Ban on Foreign Nationals from High-Risk Countries including Germany! The Travel Ban has been announced to take effect on the 18 March 2020.

"We are imposing a travel ban on foreign nationals from high-risk countries such as Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom and China as from 18 March 2020. We have cancelled visas to visitors from those countries from today and previously granted visas are hereby revoked" President Ramaphosa said in his address to the Nation.

"South African citizens are advised to refrain from all forms of travel to or through the European Union, United States, United Kingdom and other identified high-risk countries such as China, Iran and South Korea. This is effective immediately.

South African citizens returning from high-risk countries will be subjected to testing and self-isolation or quarantine on return to South Africa."

Furthermore, the SA Government is asking South African citizens living or currently staying in Germany who have contracted the Corona virus to please contact the South African Embassy. This measure is taken to ensure Government has all possible data available to take informed decisions. Please contact the SA Mission by email: webmaster(at)

The Mission kindly asks South African citizens to please stay informed about the situation in Germany and in South Africa through the Mission's Website and the Mission's Facebook Page:

Further information on the following websites:

General information on COVID-19 and measures taken by authorities for suspected or confirmed cases can be found at:

The website of the Federal Ministry of Health provides information that is updated daily:

The website of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community provides information that is updated daily:

On the situation in South Africa:

Kind regards
Management of the South African Embassy, Berlin

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offiziellen Sprachen (11).

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