Topnews, Press
23. April 2020
WHO Praises South Africa's Efforts to Curb Spread of COVID-19
The World Health Organisation (WHO) on Wednesday lauded South Africa’s efforts in slowing down the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic transmissions. Officials singled out government’s meticulously...
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20. April 2020
Newsletter on the Repatriation of South African Citizens
As the spread of COVID-19 escalates across the world, more and more governments have had to implement strict measures which, like in South Africa, includes the declaration of a nationwide lockdown....
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16. April 2020
SA Minister of Int Relations Dr Pandor on Corona-Virus And Repatriation Of SA Citizens
Minister Naledi Pandor spoke to Ubuntu Radio earlier today, 16 April 2020 to address the matter of the repatriation of South African citizens stranded abroad because of the COVID-19 pandemic travel...
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10. April 2020
WATCH: Ramaphosa praises 'unsung heroes' at CSIR for helping SA stay ahead of Covid-19 curve
President Cyril Ramaphosa has praised the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), saying work being done there is assisting the country to stay ahead of the Covid-19 curve. On...
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02. April 2020
COVID-19 Update: Media Statement, 2 April 2020
Here is the latest press release on COVID-19 Corona Virus by the South African Resource Portal.
Media Statement
2 April 2020
As at today the total number of COVID-19 positive cases...
Topnews, Press, South Africa, Tourism, Consular
23. March 2020
Corona Crisis: President Announces Nationwide Lockdown Will Be Implemented for 21 Days as Coronavirus Cases Rise
23.3.2020. Statement by President Cyril Ramaphosa on escalation of measures to combat the Covid-19 epidemic, Union Buildings, Tshwane. My fellow South Africans, It is a week since we declared the...
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20. March 2020
SAA Suspends All International Flights Until the End of May 2020
JOHANNESBURG, 20 March 2020 –South African Airways (SAA) has announced that it will immediately suspend all international operations until 31 May 2020 in response to a government travel ban aimed at...
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