Permanent Residence

A permanent residence permit for the Republic of South Africa can only be issued upon application from a foreigner, and such an application can only be considered if the applicant qualifies for either direct residence or qualifies for residence on other grounds.

Direct residence

Subject to section 25 of the Immigration Act, as amended, and any prescribed requirements, the Director-General of the Department of Home Affairs may issue a permanent residence permit to a foreigner who – 

Residence on other grounds

The Director-General of the Department of Home Affairs may, subject to any prescribed requirements, issue a permanent residence permit to a foreigner of good and sound character who –

Who does not qualify for a permanent residence permit?

A permanent residence permit shall be issued on condition that the applicant is neither a prohibited person nor undesirable person, in terms of the Immigration Act, as amended.

Furthermore, foreigners who do not intend emigrating i.e. who do not intend moving their main place of residence to the Republic of South Africa, shall not apply for permanent residence permits.

Where shall an applicant in Germany apply for a permanent residence permit?

Prospective immigrants / applicants in Germany shall submit their complete applications for permanent residence permits in person and by appointment at the Embassy in Berlin or Consulate-General in Munich (see

How much does it cost to apply for a permanent residence permit?

A non-refundable application fee of €118,00 is payable in respect of a formal application for permanent residence permits per individual applicant, but is not payable by a spouse or dependent child of a South African citizen or permanent resident; further details regarding the payment would be provided at the interview, if the application has been accepted.

How long does it take to process an application for a permanent residence permit?

After the compulsory interview, applications for permanent residence permits are forwarded to the Department of Home Affairs in the Republic of South Africa, where they will be adjudicated. Applications are processed in the order they are received at the Department and recent experience shows that it may take up to 18 months and longer.

Withdrawal of a permanent residence permit

In terms of section 28 of the Immigration Act, as amended, the Director-General of the Department of Home Affairs may withdraw a permanent residence permit (see

Proof / Confirmation of permanent residence

A foreigner, who was previously the holder of a permanent residence permit, and who intends to return permanently to the Republic of South Africa, may apply for 'confirmation of permanent residence' to establish whether the permit has been withdrawn or is still valid (see

Permanent residence endorsement in passport

'Permanent residence status' is no longer endorsed / stamped into a foreigner’s passport by the Department of Home Affairs – permanent residents must therefore carry / present their original permanent residence permits to the immigration officer at the port of entry each time they enter or depart from the Republic of South Africa. Please also note that in terms of section 28(c) of the Immigration Act, as amended, a permanent residence permit may be withdrawn, if the holder has been absent from the Republic of South Africa for a period exceeding three (3) years.

Wichtiger Hinweis

Konsularabteilung in der Botschaft in Berlin
Tiergartenstr. 18
10785 Berlin
Email Konsularabteilung:

Konsularabteilung im
Generalkonsulat in München
Sendlinger-Tor-Platz 5
80336 München
Email Konsularabteilung:

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