Politik, Pressespiegel, Tourismus, Konsular,...
21. September 2021
Minister Sisulu Welcomes Germany’s Decision to Remove SA from the 'Red List' Countries
Tourism Minister Lindiwe Sisulu has thanked the German government for removing South Africa from the COVID-19 red list.
This means that the country is no longer deemed as a “high risk” nation and that all vaccinated travellers from South Africa no longer need to have an “explanation” for purpose of entry and that locals can now visit Germany, subject to passport validity and a Schengen visa.
The department has since welcomed the move, saying it will help boost tourism sector recovery targets.
“This is great news for South Africans who travel for leisure and business. We are looking forward to welcoming back the German tourists to South Africa,” said Sisulu.
According to the department, Germany has been in South Africa’s top five overseas markets and said this decision will go a long way in recovering the market losses suffered due to the pandemic and rebuilding the market.
“We thank the German government for this progressive and scientific decision that contributes directly to the efforts to recover the tourism sector.”
September is Tourism Month and the department believes the announcement could not have come at a better time when the Minister is hosting the continent tourism sector at the hybrid Africa Travel and Tourism Summit in Johannesburg, Durban and Lagos, virtually.
“This announcement comes shortly after Emirates announced that they have increased their schedule to 28 weekly flights by October. This is a big boost to our tourism industry and this will see more people travelling for both leisure and business,” Sisulu added.
21 September 2021
Photo credit: GCIS
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