Südafrika in Deutschland, Politik, Topnews,...
03. September 2021
President MC Ramaphosa Sent Audio Message for the Opening of the New WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence in Berlin
On 1 September 2021, German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus inaugurated the "WHO Hub for pandemic and epidemic intelligence" in...
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27. August 2021
President Welcomes Expansion of German Investment in South Africa
President Cyril Ramaphosa has commended German business leaders on their continued engagement with South Africa and pledged that government will sustain economic reforms aimed at facilitating greater...
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26. August 2021
President Cyril Ramaphosa has arrived at BER Airport in Germany
His Excellency President Cyril Ramaphosa has been received by Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Naledi Pandor, South Africa’s Ambassador in Germany, Ambassador Stone Sizani,...
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26. August 2021
Minister Pandor engaged with South African Honorary Consuls in Germany
During her working visit within the framework of the G20 Compact with Africa Conference in Berlin yesterday, Dr Naledi Pandor, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of...
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25. August 2021
President Cyril Ramaphosa participates in G20 Compact with Africa meeting in Germany, 26-27 August 2021
President Cyril Ramaphosa will travel to Germany to attend a G20 Compact with Africa (CwA) meeting in Berlin on 26 and 27 August. President Ramaphosa has been invited by Federal Chancellor Angela...
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02. Dezember 2020
Ambassador Sizani Participates in Digital Conference on "Perspectives of the German-South African Cooperation"
On 30 November 2020, H.E. Ambassador Phumelele S. Sizani took part in a digital conference on "South Africa as a strategic partner for Germany? Perspectives of the German-South African...
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19. Mai 2020
Historical Meeting Between RKI, MRC and NICD
A historical technical collaborative meeting between the RKI and the South African Medical Research Council (MRC) and the SA National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD) was convened on Covid-...
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01. Mai 2020
Videoconference of Embassy RSA with Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI)
On 30 April 2020, Minister Plenipotentiary Cassimjee attended a video conference with RKI´s Professor Hanefeld and team on ZIG´s cooperation with South Africa during the recent Corona outbreak and...
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19. April 2020
Repatriation of SA Citizens from Germany
On 8 and 18 April 2020, a total of 256 stranded South African citizens from Germany and Europe were flown from Frankfurt to Johannesburg as part of the repatriation process. The process was a direct...
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04. Februar 2020
Billateral Relations: President Ramaphosa to Host Chancellor Merkel on Official State Visit
President Cyril Ramaphosa will host the Head of Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel, on an Official Visit on Thursday, 06 February 2020, at the Union Buildings in...
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04. Februar 2020
Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng Visits Berlin and the Mission
On Friday, 31 January 2020, the Embassy was honoured to host Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng for a meeting with Professor Stephan Harbarth, the Vice President of the Federal Constitutional Court of...
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24. Januar 2020
Mission at Work: Mission Meets Presidential Office to Discuss Bilateral Cooperation in 2020
On 21 January, Minister Plenipotentiary led a delegation to a meeting with the German Federal President's office in view of discussing the many opportunities of deepening the bilateral cooperation in...
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24. Januar 2020
Mission at Work: Mission Meets Chancellery to Discuss Deepening of South African-German Bilateral Relations
On 17 January 2020, Minister Plenipotentiary Cassimjee and Counsellor Mtshali attended a meeting with the German Chancellery on the deepening of South African-German Bilateral Relations.
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13. Dezember 2019
Mission at Work: Mission Receives SA Parliamentary Delegation
On Wednesday, 11 December 2019 Ambassador Sizani received a delegation of the South African Parliament for a courtesy call. The Parliamentary delegation, led by Mr David Masondo, the Deputy Minister...
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25. Oktober 2019
Mission at Work: Mission Attends African Ambassadors Dialogue in Mainz
Minister Plenipotentiary Cassimjee attended the African Ambassadors Dialogue hosted by the Ministerium for Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Landwirtschaft und Weinbau in partnership with Afrika Verein and held...
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05. Juli 2019
Ambassador Sizani Meets Vice President of the German Bundestag to Discuss Strengthening of Relations between South Africa and Germany
In the first week of July Ambassador Phumelele S. Sizani paid a courtesy call to MP Thomas Oppermann, Vice President of the German Bundestag. During the meeting both Ambassador Sizani and Mr...
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11. Juni 2019
Mission at Work: Mission Holds Strategy Briefing Session with South Africa's Honorary Consuls
On 5 June 2019 at 12h30, Ambassador Sizani led an Embassy delegation to a strategy briefing session with South Africa's Honorary Consuls in the Federal Republic of Germany. The purpose of the lunch...
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27. Februar 2019
Mission at work: Meeting on the BMWi’s Manager Training Program
Ms Yildiz Götze, Head of Division EU Twinning, International Manager Training Programme, at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), and Mr Michael Emmrich of Deutsche...
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27. Februar 2019
Mission at work: Ambassador Sizani speaks on promoting Trade and Investment opportunities in South Africa
Ambassador Sizani is attending an event to promote Trade and Investment opportunities in South Africa in Erfurt, Thuringia. The event was hosted by the Free State of Thuringia as part of the...
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11. Dezember 2018
Mission at Work: Ambassador Sizani Meets VW-Executives in Wolfsburg
On 11 December 2018, Ambassador Sizani accompanied by Minister Plenipotentiary Cassimjee and Counsellor Political Basson attended a Working Lunch with executives from VW headquarters in Wolfsburg! VW...
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06. Dezember 2018
Mission at Work: Courtesy Visit by Dr Lotz, Deputy Head of Mission, German Embassy Pretoria
The 6 December 2018 ended with a courtesy meeting by Dr Lotz, Deputy Head of Mission, German Embassy Pretoria who also visited Minister Plenipotentiary to introduce himself and establish personal...
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06. Dezember 2018
Mission at Work: Courtesy Visit by dpa Correspondent to South Africa, Mr Ralf Krüger
On 6 December 2018, Mr Ralf Krüger from Deutsche Presseagentur (dpa) paid a courtesy visit to Minister Plenipotentiary Cassimjee. Mr Krüger has been dpa´s foreign correspondent in Johannesburg from...
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05. Dezember 2018
Mission at Work: Mission Undertakes Working Visit to Thuringia (Thüringen)
On 5 December 2018, Minister Plenipotentiary Cassimjee, accompanied by Counsellor Political Basson undertook a Working Visit of the Bundesland Thuringia (Thüringen, meeting with High level...
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22. November 2018
President Cyril Ramaphosa Hosted the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier
President Cyril Ramaphosa on Tuesday, 20 November 2018, hosted the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, on a State Visit to South Africa in Cape Town. The...
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20. November 2018
Thuli Madonsela Receives Germany's Highest Tribute to an Individual!
South Africa’s former Public Protector, Advocate Thuli Madonsela, has been awarded the highest tribute Germany can pay to an individual. German President, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, bestowed Germany’s...
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30. Oktober 2018
President Ramaphosa Commends German Investment in South Africa
President Cyril Ramaphosa has commended German investors for their continued engagement with South Africa. There are around 600 German companies in South Africa, employing more than 100 000 South...
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29. Oktober 2018
South Africa and Germany to Deepen Bilateral Ties
South Africa and Germany are poised to strengthen bilateral relations and to work together closely in pursuit of African development and global peace and security. This mutual commitment flowed from...
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11. Oktober 2018
SA Minister of Higher Education Pandor in Berlin -
During her Working Visit to Berlin, Minister of Higher Education and Training, Dr Naledi Pandor meets with Mr Thomas Rachel, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Education and...
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10. Oktober 2018
Mission at Work: Ambassador Sizani meets BMZ State Secretary Flachsbarth
On 10 October 2018, H.E. Ambassador Phumelele S. Sizani followed the invitation of Parliamentarian...
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14. September 2017
SA Mission Attends NRW-Sommerfest 2017
On Tuesday 5 September 2017, Minister Plen. Mohamed Cassimjee and Counsellor Economic Mike Basson attended the traditional North-Rhine-Westphalia "Sommerfest" which brought together around...
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12. Juli 2017
SA Mission at Work: Eastern Cape & Lower Saxony Cooperation Discussed
On Monday Ms Inger Steffen, the new Representative of Lower Saxony to the Eastern Cape province, paid a courtesy visit to Minister-Plenipotentiary Adv Cassimjee prior to her assuming her new post....
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10. Juli 2017
German-African Relations: SA Mission Attends the “German-African Business Dinner"
Minister Plenipotentiary Cassimjee attended the traditional “German-African Business Dinner - African Rhapsody 2017” which was held at Siemensstadt on 6 July 2017, in cooperation with the Group of...
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10. Juli 2017
G20 Summit - Focus on Africa taken forward at the Hamburg G20 Summit
President Jacob Zuma has arrived back in South Africa this morning on 9 July from the G20 Leaders’ Summit in Hamburg, Germany, and has described the Summit as successful and with positive outcomes to...
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23. Juni 2017
SA Mission at Work: Minister Plenipotentiary Cassimjee's Business Trip to Frankfurt
Minister Plenipotentiary Cassimjee accompanied by the Foreign Economic Representative Mr Jacob Moatshe undertook a business trip to Frankfurt this week. On the busy agenda was the attendance of the...
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24. Mai 2017
Ambassador Stone Sizani Met with Minister of Environmental Affairs, H.E. Dr Edna Molewa
H.E. Dr Edna Molewa, Minister of Environmental Affairs of the Republic of South Africa, took part in the eighth Petersberg Climate Dialogue on 22 and 23 May 2017 in Berlin, which was hosted by...
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18. Mai 2017
SA Embassy Holds Dialogue Forum to Discuss Germany's Current and Future Africa Policy
The Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa in Germany, H.E. Mr Phumelele Stone Sizani, invited African Ambassadors, members of the German Government and Parliament, academics, political...
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28. April 2017
SA Embassy in Berlin Celebrates Freedom Day
The South African Embassy on 27 April 2017, celebrated 23 years of Freedom and Democracy. The occasion was honoured by the attendance of Ambassador Walter Lindner, State Secretary of the Federal...
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26. April 2017
South African-German Trade Relations
Minister Plenipotentiary, Advocate Cassimjee had a meeting with Mr Matthias Boddenberg, the Chief Executive of the Southern Africa-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in South Africa to discuss...
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06. April 2017
SA Embassy reaches out SPD Parliamentary Group in Budestag
In an outreach programme to Members of Parliament from different parties and Think –Tanks in Germany, Ambassador Phumelele Stone Sizani met with Mr Niels Annen, MP and Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs...
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27. März 2017
South African Embassy meets Free State of Saxony
Minister Plenipotentiary of the South African Embassy in Berlin, Advocate Mohamed Cassimjee has met Mr Ulf Schnars, Deputy Head of the Representation of the Free State of Saxony in Berlin, on Friday,...
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14. März 2017
Cementing of South African-German Naval Relations - Deployment of the SAS AMATOLA to Germany
Minister Plenipotentiary M. Cassimjee and Capt. N. J. Fillis represented the South African Embassy Berlin at functions on board the SAS AMATOLA upon completion of successfull joint naval...
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20. Februar 2017
Gauteng and Germany Cooperate
“The signing of the Joint Declaration will advance and expand the frontiers of green logistics and mobility, particular as it relates to the freight sector in the Gauteng city-region,” said...
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13. Dezember 2016
German-South African Binational Commission 2016: Enhanced Cooperation
On November 15 and 16, high ranked representatives from both countries came together to strengthen their cooperation and lay out common plans for the future. The Binational Commission (BNC) is an...
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30. November 2016
Report on the Ninth South Africa-Germany Bi-National Commission, 14-16.11.2016, Berlin
The South Africa-Germany Bi-national Commission is held every two years, alternating between Berlin and Pretoria. The two partner countries debate global challenges and coordinate possible...
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14. November 2016
Minister Nkoana-Mashabane undertakes Working Visit to Germany
International Relations and Cooperation Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane is scheduled to undertake a Working Visit to Munich, Bavaria, on 14-15 November 2016, before proceeding to Berlin to co-chair...
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08. November 2016
Preparing for the German-South African Binational Commission
The German-South African Binational Commission co-chaired by the respective Foreign Ministers is held every two years, alternating between Berlin and Pretoria. The two partner countries debate global...
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30. Mai 2016
Thuli Madonsela honored with German Africa Prize
Some have called her a woman of steel. Others say she is the voice of the voiceless. As the public protector, Thuli Madonsela has worked tirelessly to protect the public from corruption and...
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23. Mai 2016
South Africa's Minister Pandor Awarded Germany's Grand Cross of Merit
"With the Grand Cross of Merit, we recognise Naledi Pandor's continuous efforts to deepen cooperation between our two countries," said German Ambassador to South Africa, Walter Lindner, at...
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17. Januar 2016
German manager Jochen Zeitz plans large contemporary art museum for South Africa
German manager Jochen Zeitz is planning one of the largest museums of contemporary art on the African continent, the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa (MOCAA). A former grain silo on the...
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12. November 2015
President Zuma´s first official visit to Berlin, 9 -10 November 2015
Berlin, 10 November 2015. South Africa´s President Jacob Zuma´s first official visit to Germany ended with a dinner at the AIXA Building at Pariser Platz with high-ranking representatives of politics...
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20. März 2015
„Südafrika ist unser wichtigster Partner in Afrika“
Der Bundesratspräsident und Hessische Ministerpräsident Volker Bouffier hat am 18. März 2015 in Kapstadt Gespräche auf Regierungsebene über die wirtschaftliche, wissenschaftliche und...
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11. März 2015
Südafrika - Ein Land mit Zukunft? Neue Perspektiven der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Südafrika und Nordrhein-Westfalen
Die Dokumentationen der Tagung Südafrika - Ein Land mit Zukunft? vom 23. bis 24. Mai 2014 wurden auf der Homepage der Ev. Akademie Villigst im Institut für Kirche und Gesellschaft der...
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24. November 2014
Opening Remarks by Minister Nkoana-Mashabane on the occasion of the 8th South Africa-Germany Bi-National Commission
Opening Remarks by Ms Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, on the occasion of the 8th South Africa-Germany Bi-National Commission, Pretoria, 21 November...
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24. November 2014
"Participation, Rules and Responsibility – Three pillars to strengthen peace, security and welfare" - Speech by German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier at Wits University
"Participation, Rules and Responsibility – Three pillars to strengthen peace, security and welfare" - Speech by Federal Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier at the University of the...
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09. März 2009
Germany Hails "Multifaceted Cooperation" with South Africa
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said late Monday that South Africa's important position in Africa, which goes far beyond mediating conflicts in Sudan and the Congo, "underlines the...
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09. März 2009
Dlamini-Zuma to Meet German Counterpart
Foreign Affairs Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma arrived in Berlin on Sunday ahead of a meeting with her German counterpart, the foreign ministry said on Monday. Dlamini-Zuma, who is on a four-nation...
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|+| Strategischer Plan der SADC Botschafter in Deutschland
Am 12. März 2008 luden die Botschafter/innen der verschiedenen SADC Mitgliedsstaaten in die Botschaft der Republik Südafrika zum öffentlichen Launch ihres strategischen Plans für die Kooperation untereinander und mit deutschen Partnern.
Africa Gateway
|+| Africa Gateway
News, Features und Information über Südafrikas Beziehungen mit dem afrikanischen Kontinent.