Bilaterale Beziehungen, Politik, Topnews, Presse

08. Mai 2012

Final Communiqué of the 7th Bi-National Commission between the Republic of South Africa and the Federal Republic of Germany (BNC)

The results of the seventh Bi-National Commission between the Republic of South Africa and the Federal Republic of Germany are captured in a joint communiqué. It entails the results of the joint committees in these key areas: foreign and security policies, defence, economy, development cooperation, environment, science and technology, culture, labour and social affairs. 

|+| Download this communiqué in pdf

|+| Final Speech by Deputy President Motlanthe

|+| Final Speech by Foreign Minister Westerwelle


|+| Strategischer Plan der SADC Botschafter in Deutschland
Am 12. März 2008 luden die Botschafter/innen der verschiedenen SADC Mitgliedsstaaten in die Botschaft der Republik Südafrika zum öffentlichen Launch ihres strategischen Plans für die Kooperation untereinander und mit deutschen Partnern.

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