Politik, Wirtschaft, Pressespiegel

12. August 2021

President Ramaphosa Meets with Special Envoys on Investment

President Cyril Ramaphosa on Wednesday, 4 August 2021, held a virtual engagement with the presidential special envoys on investment to discuss the economic environment and measures being taken to improve the investment climate in South Africa. The envoys expressed their concern regarding the recent violence, destruction and loss of life in KwaZulu-Natal and in some parts of Gauteng.

They stressed the importance of restoring stability and rebuilding investor confidence following these events.

The investment champions urged that local government capacity be strengthened to ensure consistent and reliable service delivery, which is a precondition for investment.

The envoys welcomed progress in economic reforms, notably in the energy sector, and emphasised the need for the speedy implementation of these reforms and other commitments.

In the envoys’ assessment, the increased pace of COVID-19 vaccinations is gratifying and, together with the reforms, lay the basis for increased economic growth and job creation.

The discussion also highlighted the opportunities presented by the just energy transition backed by global climate finance commitments as government prepares for the COP26 climate conference.

The investment envoys are: Phumzile Langeni, Jeffrey Radebe, Derek Hanekom, Mcebisi Jonas, Trevor Manuel and Jacko Maree.

|+|Source: SAnews.gov.za



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