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Topnews, Südafrika in Deutschland

01. November 2016

Commonwealth Act of Remembrance on 13 November 2016

Berlin. This year the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa is organizing the Commonwealth Remembrance Day in Germany. Remembrance Day is celebrated in the United Kingdom and in parts of the Commonwealth on the second Sunday in November each year. The Commonwealth War Graves Commission Berlin Cemetery is the last resting place for some 3,594 servicemen from Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, Poland and South Africa, most of whom that died from 1939 to 1945 during World War II.

Remembering and hounouring those that served and that have lost their lives in the line of duty has a long tradition in South Africa. Those remembrance acts are taken very seriously and are equally important for men and women in uniform as they are for the South African people in general. The Embassy of the Republic of South Africa therefore takes great pride in the fact that we get to organise this Commonwealth Act of Remembrance outside the South African borders and thereby remember those that gave their lives so that we may live in freedom. The ceremony will be attended by representatives of other Commonwealth countries, German governmental officials, military associations and members of the public.

The Remembrance Act will be followed by a Remembrance Sunday Ecumenical Service at St George`s Anglican Church, commencing at 11h00. A small reception after the service hosted by the South African Embassy at the church concludes the commemoration.

Members of the public are cordially invited to attend the Remembrance Act as well as the ecumenical church service followed by the reception.

Date: Sunday, 13 November 2016, 09:45 – 10:30 hours


Berlin 1939 -1945 War Cemetery                            
Heerstrasse 139                                                               
14055 Berlin

St George`s Anglican Church
Preußenallee 17/19
14052 Berlin    



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