Südafrika in Deutschland, Rampolokeng

21. Oktober 2010

Film: "Rough Aunties" in Über Mut Film Festival, in cooperation with Aktion Mensch

When the children are victims of sexual abuses, often they fall in the silence and the fear. Help these children talking is the objective of the Bobbi Bear Foundation in Durban, South Africa. Their...

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Presse, Topnews, Südafrika in Deutschland,...

12. Oktober 2010

Former President Nelson Mandela`s new book released

On this day former President Nelson Mandela`s new book, “Conversations with Myself” will be released simultaneously in 22 countries, translated into 20 languages. It contains letters and notes from...

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Botschaft, Topnews, Rampolokeng

11. Oktober 2010

German President Christian Wulff honours German soccer coach Joachim Löw and the German national soccer team after the FIFA World Cup™ in South Africa

The Deputy Head of Mission at the South African Embassy in Berlin, Ms Mbuyane-Mokone, was invited to a reception hosted by the President of the Republic of Germany, Mr Wulff, at the official office...

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Südafrika in Deutschland, Boyzie

07. September 2010

"Boarding House" von Roger Ballen - Fotoausstellung im Berliner Büro der SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit

foto: roger ballen

Unter dem Titel "Boarding House" präsentiert der in Südafrika lebende Künstler Roger Ballen einen Ausschnitt seiner Werke in Berlin. Die SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit konnten Roger Ballen als...

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Südafrika in Deutschland, Topnews, Boyzie

01. September 2010

Afrikanische Autoren ilb 2010 (15. – 25. September 2010)

Zwischen dem 15. und 25. September 2010 wird Berlin wieder zur Literaturbühne. Der „Fokus“ des Internationalen Literaturfestivals liegt dieses Mal auf Osteuropa, doch wie jedes Jahr sind eine...

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Südafrika in Deutschland, Topnews, Boyzie

01. September 2010

South African Short Films at ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival in Berlin - October 14 to 17

From October 14 to 17 the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival takes place in Berlin-Mitte at Cinema Babylon.  More then 900 short films from 71 countries that are based on a poem...

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Botschaft, Topnews, Boyzie

25. August 2010

Habitat for Humanity receives cheque of 148.000 Euro at the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa

Berlin 18 August 2010. German actress Alexandra Neldel received a cheque of 148.000 Euro in the name of Habitat for Humanity Deutschland at the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa in Berlin. The...

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