Politik, Topnews, Botschaft, Pressespiegel

10. August 2021

President Cyril Ramaphosa: Changes to the national executive

Fellow South Africans, This evening, I am announcing certain changes to the National Executive. This comes at a time when the country is facing several challenges and we are called upon to...

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Politik, Pressespiegel, Topnews, Tourismus,...

16. Juli 2021

Statement of Behalf of H.E. Ambassador Stone Sizani on the Current Situation in South Africa, 16 July 2021

In response to concerns raised by our friends in Germany, I wish to make the following statement: The government of South Africa is working with the private sector to ensure a sufficient supply chain...

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Politik, Pressespiegel, Botschaft, Topnews

15. Juli 2021

Ambassador Sizani meets members of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

H.E. Ambassador Sizani hosted members of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), including its Resident Directors in South Africa, on 15 July 2021. A range of issues were discussed including enhancing...

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Topnews, Botschaft, Südafrika in Deutschland

15. Juli 2021

Message by H.E. Ambassador Stone Sizani on the occasion of International Mandela Day on 18 July 2021

Here is a message by H.E. Ambassador Stone Sizani on the occasion of International Mandela Day and Month which is celebrated every year on Madiba's birthday, the 18 July. You may watch the video...

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Botschaft, Politik, Presse, Pressespiegel,...

07. Juli 2021

Ambassador Sizani received a courtesy visit by Judge Albert Hoffman, President of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

On 6 July 2021, Ambassador Sizani received a courtesy visit by Judge Albert Hoffman, President of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, and his wife, Mrs Nicolin...

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Botschaft, Topnews, Südafrika in Deutschland

27. April 2021

Ambassador Sizani's Video Message on the Occasion of Freedom Day, 27 April 2021: “The Year of Charlotte Maxeke: The Meaning of Freedom under COVID-19”

On 27 April, the Mission annually celebrates Freedom Day by hosting an event at the Chancery for all its stakeholders, dignitaries and fellow diplomats in Germany. As the usual annual event at the...

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Botschaft, Topnews, Südafrika in Deutschland,...

02. Dezember 2020

Ambassador Sizani Participates in Digital Conference on "Perspectives of the German-South African Cooperation"

On 30 November 2020, H.E. Ambassador Phumelele S. Sizani took part in a digital conference on "South Africa as a strategic partner for Germany? Perspectives of the German-South African...

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