Politik, Tourismus, Topnews

09. Dezember 2016

22 monuments for 22 years of freedom

Monuments to peace and freedom are found all across South Africa – not surprising, given its long history of struggle against oppression. BrandSouthAfrica looks back on 2016 – the 22nd year of South...

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20. Oktober 2016

Mehr deutsche Urlauber als je zuvor

155.371 Deutsche reisten von Januar bis Juli 2016 nach Südafrika – so viele...

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10. Mai 2016

Krüger Park to Get New 240-Bed 4-Sar Lodge

A 240-bed safari lodge to be built near Malelane Gate in the Kruger National Park (KNP) has been approved, the SA National Parks (SANP) said this week. SANP said the Department of Environmental...

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Pressespiegel, Tourismus

11. April 2016

South African Airways unterstützt preisgekrönte Filme aus Afrika

Im Rahmen der Unterstützung lokaler Talente erhöht South African Airways seit Juni 2013 den Anteil an afrikanischen Inhalten für die Bordunterhaltung. Unter anderem können Passagiere die auf den...

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Pressespiegel, Tourismus

11. April 2016

South Africa's Grootbos Named NATGEO Finalist in the World Legacy Awards

South Africa’s highly-acclaimed Grootbos Private Nature Reserve has been honoured by National Geographic as one of 15 finalists in the esteemed World Legacy Awards. The recognition is for Grootbos'...

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Pressespiegel, Wirtschaft, Tourismus

11. April 2016

Durban Sets Sights on Becoming Africa's Leading Cruise Destination

Durban served as a massive gateway to trade in the Southern hemisphere and presented ample opportunities for cruise tourism development, said Ndabo Khoza, CEO of TKZN, as the organisation headed off...

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Pressespiegel, Tourismus

11. April 2016

West Coast Launches Two New Tourist Routes

The West Coast Way has officially launched two new sightseeing and tourism routes in the Cape West Coast region, aimed at showcasing some of the most beautiful outlying towns and locations on the...

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