Konsular, Topnews

12. November 2019

Consular: Home Affairs Minister Signs Waiver which Allows Foreign Children to Enter SA without Birth Certificate

10 November 2019. The Minister of Home Affairs Dr Aaron Motsoaledi on Friday signed a waiver which allows foreign children to enter the country without carrying additional supporting documents such...

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Topnews, Konsular, Botschaft

01. Dezember 2018

Updated advisory: New requirements for children travelling to or from the Republic of South Africa

New requirements for the admission and departure of children (under the age of 18) from the Republic of South Africa came into operation on 1 December 2018 |+| zum Artikel

Konsular, Topnews

02. Februar 2018

Exemption from port of entry visa requirement for ordinary passport holders of the Republic of Angola

The Government of the Republic of South Africa and the Government of the Republic of Angola have, by mutual agreement, decided to exempt each other’s ordinary passport holders from the requirement to...

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Konsular, Topnews, Tourismus, Presse

29. März 2017

Exemption from visa requirement for ordinary passport holders of the Russian Federation from 31 March 2017

The Government of the Republic of South Africa and the Government of the Russian Federation have, by mutual agreement, decided to exempt each other’s ordinary passport holders from the requirement of...

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Konsular, Politik, Presse

29. März 2017

Home Affairs hosts National Conference on International Migration

The Department of Home Affairs hosted a two-day National Conference on International Migration on 17 and 18 March 2017 at the Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg. The National International...

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Topnews, Konsular

19. Dezember 2016

Withdrawal of visa waiver for New Zealand passport holders

With effect from 16 January 2017 all New Zealand diplomatic, official and ordinary passport holders who intend to enter the Republic of South Africa are required to be in possession of a port of...

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Topnews, Konsular

09. Dezember 2016

The Department of Home Affairs and Procter & Gamble sign a Memorandum of Understanding

Minister Malusi Gigaba and Procter & Gamble Vice President: South Africa, Faisal Sabzwari signed the MoU on 2 December 2016 to underscore the public-private partnership between government and the...

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