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Südafrikanische Botschaft
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Tel.: +49-30-22073-0
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19. März 2018

First Edition in 2018 of the Quarterly Newsletter of the SA Mission in Berlin Published!

Dear readers, friends of South Africa,

The first three months of the year have been a very busy time at the Embassy. Not only did the Embassy and the Consulate-General jointly hold their annual strategic planning session and host South African delegations to Berlinale and the International Tourism Bourse (ITB), February also saw the installation of a new President of the Republic of South Africa, H.E. Mr Cyril Ramaphosa.

Moreover, 2018 bears very special significance for not only South Africa, but indeed for the entire world, since this year on 18 July, former president, the late Mr Nelson Mandela, Tata Madiba, as he is affectionately called in South Africa, would have celebrated his 100th birthday. South Africa is honoured by the tremendous outpouring of goodwill demonstrated by the German Government and carried in the hearts of German people for Tata Madiba. The South African Government together with the German Government and the South African representations in Germany will jointly embark on a number of activities and events to honour the life and legacy of this global icon.

From a bilateral perspective, 2018 will also mark the 10th session of the Bi-National Commission between South Africa and our strategic and valued partner, Germany.

In this edition of the newsletter, we have put together news and activities concerning the above mentioned topics, involving South Africans in Germany, as well as selected news from South Africa that we deem relevant for our audience here in Germany.

I hope you enjoy the read!


With warmest regards
Ambassador Stone Sizani
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Africa to the Federal Republic of Germany

(Picture Credit:

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liegt die „Wiege der Menschheit“.

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