Pressespiegel, Tourismus

11. April 2016

South Africa's Grootbos Named NATGEO Finalist in the World Legacy Awards

South Africa’s highly-acclaimed Grootbos Private Nature Reserve has been honoured by National Geographic as one of 15 finalists in the esteemed World Legacy Awards. The recognition is for Grootbos' work in its Grootbos Green Futures Foundation, and lists Grootbos as a finalist in the "Engaging Communities" World Legacy Award.

Lean Terblanche, director of the Grootbos Green Futures Foundation told Traveller24: "The award shines a much-needed light on the importance of conservation and sustainability initiatives in tourism around the world. Our actions today affect the world for centuries to come; no one will benefit from tourism [in the future] if we do not protect our people and our planet."

The Grootbos Green Futures Foundation, started in 2003, is non-profit arm of the Grootbos Private Nature Reserve, which focuses on community-based training and capacity-building to support poverty alleviation, provide upward job mobility and advance nature conservation in the high biodiversity region known as the Cape Floral Kingdom where Grootbos is located.

To date, 143 local residents graduated from the Green Futures Horticulture and Life Skills College founded by Grootbos and all were successfully placed into jobs.

– Source: Traveller24

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