Topnews, Botschaft, Südafrika in Deutschland,...

10. Dezember 2013

German Chancellor Angela Merkel Signs Mandela Condolence Book

Berlin 9 December 2013. The condolence book at the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa in Berlin is being filled with words of tribute for former President Nelson Mandela by members of the public and high-ranking officials from politics, economics and culture.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel was greeted by Ambassador Reverend Stofile and took her time in writing her personal good-bye to Madiba. She wrote: “Nelson Mandela was a giant in our history. With his courage and his perseverance he gave many people strength.”

The Mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit, also signed the book saying: “Berlin thanks the great statesman Nelson Mandela.”

The condolence book will be open to the public from Monday 9 December 2013 until Friday 13 December 2013 from 11am to 3pm (11 – 15 Uhr).

Picture: Copyright Sera Cakal

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