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11. November 2015

Youth Employments and Employment Creation Symposium, 9/10 November 2015

Berlin, 10 November 2015. A two day symposium on Youth Employment and Employment Creation with high ranking representatives from the South African government and the McKinsey Group ended with President Zuma giving the closing speech at the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa. Earlier in the day President Zuma had met Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Joachim Gauck.

In the symposium it was discussed how Germany´s institutions deals with youth employment and how the dual system with young people learning a trade and receiving advanced education would work in South Africa. Deputy Minister for Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Youth in the Presidency Buti Manamela who led the second day of the symposium explained how the President had set up a Working Group on Youth since the high rate of youth unemployment presents a problem in South Africa that needs be resolved.


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